Monday, March 14, 2011

Warming Little Things

Warming Little Things
Individual servings of soup in a microwavable cardboard package and lid. Each package looks like a homemade knitted piece with a personal label.

Shikatani Lacroix Introduces a Black and White Design for Doritos

Busy Nothings

A girlfriend of mine from high school, Kate Breidenbach, keeps a wonderful little blog about her life, crafts, and frugal living. It's a great way to keep up, share ideas, and show off clearance finds!

Busy Nothings

Korean Graphic Design

My boyfriend, Benjamin, is currently considering taking a job offer in South Korea. This would require signing a one year contract, us getting married (in order for me to get the proper visa to stay for the entire year) and, of course, moving to SOUTH KOREA.

At first, I was all for the idea. Now keep in mind, it was February in Minnesota...ANYWHERE ELSE sounds like a great idea. As our talks about it got more and more serious, I started to realize all of the drastic changes I would have to take on at once: Could I get a job? How would I go grocery shopping? What about NORTH Korea? Do Koreans even like Americans? What about Kilo? I have a year left of school...

At the same time though, why not go? I've been in college for 6 years and I still have a whole year left...I live in a dinky apartment in Minnesota. I'm an art major; isn't it kind of 'normal' for an art major to do something weird like move to Asia for a year to find themself?

I don't know...but anyways, here are some amazing examples of Korean art:

Devante Chang

